We have provided you with both an application and a desk accessory version of UNITize. The Application is called UNITize 1.1, whereas the desk accessory is named UNITizeDA 1.1. If you are using Multifinder™, we recommend that you use the application, which runs faster than the desk accessory and has a few additional features. However, if your system is running under the Finder™, then the desk accessory is probably best for you— particularly if you wish to use the desk accessory in conjunction with some other program, such as a word processor.
We have supplied more than 180 quantity sets for you to use. Each quantity set contains its own group of units that can be used to express those quantities. The complete set of quantities, including the ones installed in the UNITize utilities, can be found in export files contained within the Quantities folder. The versions of UNITize and UNITizeDA enclosed on your disk contain only 2 of these 180 quantity sets. One of them is "Bogosities", a fictional quantity that is mentioned in the manual. The other is "Length"— a commonly used quantity. All other quantities are available in the Quantities folder but were not installed due to disk space limitations. The Import feature will allow you to install as many of these remaining quantities as you like. UNITize has been designed so that you may install the quantities that you need and remove the ones that you do not need.
You may install UNITizeDA with the Font/DA Mover™, which comes with your System software. Futhermore, UNITizeDA is compatible with Font/DA Juggler™ and Suitcase™ if you prefer to use these utilities.
*Note: Although the manual indicates that Font/DA Mover is included with UNITize, it was removed from the disk due to space limitations.
• If you are using UNITize on a hard disk or a startup disk other than the one provided, be sure that the Geneva 10 point font is installed in your startup System file. UNITize assumes that the Geneva 10 point font is in your system and uses it extensively. If this font is not available to UNITize, the quantity and unit names will look abnormal. If this happens, be sure that you install the Geneva 10 point font with the Font/DA Mover™ provided on this disk into the startup System file.
• Due to several requests from customers, we have added a more complete "Temperature" quantity in version 1.1 of UNITize. However, "Temperature" is slightly different in that it does not fit the X = C * Y format that is required for UNITize quantities. Consequently, UNITize handles the new "Temperature" differently than other quantities and will not let you add or modify units of the "Temperature" quantity— it will also prevent you from modifying the quantity itself. If you need to use a unit of temperature that is not currently installed, please give us a call— we can customize a version for you. All other quantities function as before.
• The Conversion Window is now resizable. Clicking and dragging in the grow box in the bottom right corner of the window will allow you to enlarge the window to the full size of your monitor, allowing you to see more of the Quantity and Unit lists at one time.
• Quantities now load 4-5 times faster upon startup.
• A zoom box has been added to the Conversion Window.
• Numerous other improvements have been made in the source code to optimize the performance of UNITize.
All quantities and units have undergone a rigorous examination to ensure that conversion values correspond with those found in standard reference volumes. If you have an older version of UNITize, be sure to replace your existing Quantities folder with the set that comes with this upgrade.